Soirée Mutation Testing au ParisJUG le 24 octobre 2018

Cette soirée se déroulera le mardi 9 octobre dans les locaux de Henix. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes ici.

Voici l'agenda complet de la soirée :

9h15 à 19h30 : Accueil

19h30 - Making Mutants work for you

par Henry Coles

Mutation testing is a once obscure development technique that dates back to the 1970s. It deliberately introduces bugs into your code, then sees if your tests can find them.

Thanks to the open source tool pitest mutation testing has recently become much more widely used in the Java community. When people talk about mutation testing they often talk about "100% code coverage" but is this what it is really about? This session will cover the theory behind mutation testing and how to use it, but most importantly it will look at what it's really for and how it can make your life easier.

20h30 à 21h00 : Buffet offert par le ssponsors de l'événement.

21h00 - New types of tests for Java projects

par Vincent Massol

This talk will demonstrate advanced testing practices coming from the STAMP research project and applied to the XWiki open source project:

22h00 à ... : 3ème mi-temps des juggers dans un lieu sélectionné par votre Crew ;-)

Soumis par fredericmazue le ven, 05/10/2018 - 11:00